3rd-6th Grade Parents/Guardians:
We are pleased to announce that this summer we will be offering a girls multisport camp. Instead of having several different camps for each sport, we are combining them to provide the girls the opportunity to try all the sports are that offered once they reach high school. The camp will include basketball, volleyball, softball, track, golf, and cheerleading. This will be a three day camp that will last all day. We will provide snacks and drinks throughout the day, but the girls will be expected to bring a lunch.
Dates: June 12-14
Time: 8:00-4:00
Location: Lockwood Elementary School
Cost: $25 per athlete (make checks payable to Lockwood Schools) This includes a camp shirt. Athletes who turn in forms after May 3 will not be guaranteed a shirt.
Please return the form (sent home with the child) and return it to Lockwood Elementary School with payment by May 3.
Please address questions to:
Coach McNichols (jmcnichols@tigersk12.org)
Coach Roschevitz (jroschevitz@tigersk12.org)
Coach Abiatti (babbiatti@tigersk12.org)